Every two, three years, appear a piece of land that I say : I would buy this for me and my family for to start a Micro Farm for us and forget all the rest of the crazy world….. Well this is exactly what I was thinking this afternoon while I was walking a new property that a worker I have in one building project I manage, told me was perfect for the kind of Clients I have……and he was absolutely right!!….not only for my Clients….this is perfect for everybody has an interest in abandoning the everyday more absurd lifestyle of the industrialized world, and retake his and his family life in their hands. So, while I was taking some pictures and some videos of this beautiful piece of land, I was placing here the House with the great ocean view, and there the vegetable field, there the chicken and Hens barn, there I would create a pond for the Tilapia fish production and there the Hydroponic system…..yes, there is room for everything and a lot of work is already done, like the fruit trees that are producing, the abundant banana and plantains, the Yucca ready to harvest, the River shrimps in the creek……and electric grid and public water at the gate ……whatever I could ask more for ” the perfect” piece of land??….Gold in the creek???….yes that is there too…just need to be dig out……a lot of work anyway!!
With the aim of reaching easily the top of the Forest Hill, the Owner create an internal road that allow a 4WD to access the land until the building place where he was thinking to build his Ocean View House
The Pristine Rainforest on the side of the hill of this Small Farm is crossed by the road for 4WDCar
In the valley that is in the middle of the Property, between the road front hill and the Forest hill in the back, a nice creek that has good water all the year long, for agricultural or fishery project, is running quietly, creating nice, small ponds where to take a refreshing bath….nothing really big enough for to swim, but great for relax and take away the stress of the day……
The nice quiet creek that runs in the middle of the property, between the Agricultural Land and the Forest Land of this Small Farm in the Central Osa Peninsula
Watch the video I took of the upper part of the Creek:
The Property is something around the 5 Ha ( 12.5 Acres ) and 1.5 are good for agricultural use, specially in the little valley along the creek.
The soil is very fertile in this little valley because the nutrients that the rain is bringing down from the forest hill where the big trees are producing tons of natural fertilizer thanks to the leaves they drop.
The Road that crosses the Forest is covered by tons of leaves dropped by the huge Hardwood Trees that are abundant in this Micro Farm in the South of Costa Rica
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Orange and Lemon trees, Yucca, Sugar cane, Bananas and Plantains are already producing and there is room enough for to expand these crops or start new vegetable and fruit productions on the almost 1.5-2 hectares of land not covered by the Pristine Rainforest
Banano, Sugar Cane, Yucca, Orange and Lemon trees are already producing in the fertile soil of this Micro Farm in the Osa Peninsula
In the Forest on the sides of the back hill big trees of Tropical Hard Wood grow and create a perfect environment for hundred of birds and other mammals that are common guest of this piece of Rainforest, while in the clean and clear waters of the creek, fresh water shrimps are living.
Big Trees of Tropical Hardwood grow in the forest on the side of the Hill in this Tropical Small Farm of the Osa Peninsula
In the lower part of the valley the land is creating a natural marsh, that could be modified for to allow the creation of a pond where it would be possible the breeding of Tilapia Fish and get a good supply of protein for to integrate the organic vegetable, grains and fruits that is possible to harvest in this small farm.
The Creek in the lower part of the land allow to create a fish pond for Human Food
If you are interested in receiving more information about this great Small Farm, or are looking for a different kind of property, please, contact us and we will be happy to help you in finding that perfect piece of land amongst the hundred of properties in the Osa Peninsula we list and manage.
Big Trees of Tropical Hardwood grow in the forest on the side of the Hill in this Tropical Small Farm of the Osa Peninsula
The magic of the Creek that is running in the middle of this Forest/Farm land, would be good for any kind of natural healing therapy based on the immersion in clear clean fresh waters that have their spring in Healthy Forest.
Quiet pond where restoring and healing along the beautiful creek that runs in the middle of this Forest Farm Land of The Osa Peninsula Properties
We have in our staff local farmers with years of experience in the production of fruit and vegetables and animal breeding functional with the local weather and environment that will be happy to help you starting your production of food and livestock with the right foot, saving time and money and avoid frustrating experience.
Inquire with us about your Micro Farming Project and, possibly, we have a good proposal for you.